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VitaKraft Sunseed Natural Chinchilla Dust Bath


This product is part of our We ❤️ Care Program!


Natural, USA-mined volcanic ash encourages grooming behavior in chinchillas and degus. Help your chinchilla or degu keep their fur clean, dry, and soft with Sunseed natural Dust Bath, a premium quality natural volcanic ash dust similar to what is found in their native environment. Regular dust baths help remove excess moisture and oils from the fur, keeping these companions clean and healthy.

  • Mined Sustainably in the USA
  • 100% Natural Volcanic Ash
  • No Added Chemicals, Colorants or Extenders
  • Encourages Instinctual Grooming
  • Removes Excess Moisture and Oils From Animals Fur

INSTRUCTIONS: Spread 2-4 inches of Sunseed Natural Dust Bath in a heavy, tip-resistant bowl or deep dish slightly larger than your companion. Place dust-filled bowl in animals cage for 15-30 minutes, up to 3-5 times per week. increase frequency in humid weather or if your pets fur becomes damp, oily, or limp. supervise pet while using this product. Remove the bowl of bath dust from cage once your pet has finished.


VitaKraft Sunseed Natural Chinchilla Dust Bath

  • Every time a We Care Program product is purchased 5% of that product's purchase is donated to the designated Licensed 501(c)3 Animal Rescue of your choosing.


to order online for instore or curb side pickup

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