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Sentry Home Yard & Premise Insect Spray Concentrate

Sentry Home Yard and Premise Spray Concentrate covers up to 2667 square feet of yard space and effectively kills fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, ants, aphids, caterpillars, beetles, male cricks, deer ticks and mosquitoes that may transmit West Nile Virus.

  • Kills potentially harmful insects in lawns, trees, roses, shrubs and around house foundations
  • 32 oz concentrate covers up to 2667 square feet
  • Helps protect your lawn with pest control that lasts up to 6 weeks

Keep your outdoor pets safe with this pest control that lasts for up to 6 weeks. Convenient concentrated hose end sprayer applicator.

Active Ingredient: Bifenthrin - 0.30%
Other Ingredients: 99.70%.

Full directions for use listed on back of product.

Sentry Home Yard & Premise Insect Spray Concentrate



    to order online for instore or curb side pickup

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