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Penn Plax Small World Fishbowl Filter Kit

The Penn Plax Small World Fishbowl Filter Kit is designed for round or drum fish bowl or tank containers with at least a 4-inch opening. Once assembled, simply place the filter inside your completely empty aquarium, cover it with your choice of gravel, marbles or stones, and then fill it with water. You can also adjust the air flow on the Penn-Plax Smallworld filter kit with the included air valve. Filter kit includes: adjustable filter plate, lift tube, replacement filter cartridge, air-stone, adjustable air valve, air pump and airline tubing

  • Adjustable filter plate
  • Adjustable air flow
  • Fits any drum or round fishbowl with 4 inch opening
  • Kit comes complete

Penn Plax Small World Fishbowl Filter Kit



    to order online for instore or curb side pickup

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