Top 10 Dangerous and Common Plants
We all love them. They brighten our spaces and fill them with nature. But are the plants inside/outside of our homes poisonous.
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They may be beautiful, but lilies are one of the most toxic house plants for our feline friends. Ingesting even a small amount or licking any of the pollen off of their fur can cause kidney failure and even death. Beautiful and deadly, Lillie’s are best far away from Kitties.

These easy-to-grow houseplants contain high levels of calcium oxalate crystals. If eaten, it can cause burns to the mouth, excessive drooling and vomiting. Other houseplants with high levels of calcium oxalate include the snake plant and pothos (devil’s ivy).
Oleander/ nerium is more commonly found in outdoor gardens, but sometimes people bring them inside for the winter. These plants contain cardiac glycosides, which can cause drooling, diarrhea, abdominal pain, abnormal heart rhythm and neurologic signs.

Aloe is often used for its wonderful medicinal purposes and it’s beauty. But if a pet chews on this plant it can lead to vomiting, diarrhea and lethargy. Aloe tends to be considered non-toxic and it is often used on human burns and scrapes, but this is not for our furry friends- do not use it on your pet.
These common autumn flowers contain several toxins that can cause our pets to get sick if they eat them. Vomiting and incoordination are two of the signs of sickness. This plant tends to cause more mild symptoms especially if a small amount has been consumed

This plant is often an outdoor plant. The toxic component in this perennial are in the roots and bulbs. A digging dog can find them quickl. Any Chewing on the roots or bulb can cause severe vomiting and diarrhea, drooling and burns in their mouth. Same thing for tulips too!

This is a very common succulent, the jade plant is also known as the money plant or lucky plant. Chewing on these plants can lead to vomiting, depression and even loss of balance. Be careful if you have any in your home

Sago Palm
This plant is highly toxic to our furry friends.They contain something called cycasin, and it causes severe liver failure within even a few days of consumption. Every part of this plant is extremely dangerous and can be fatal if eaten.
Various Ferns
The Asparagus fern, foxtail fern and emerald fern, these plants are frequently a hanging potTed plant due to their long and flowing leaves that can cause skin irritation if your pet brushes against them. Eating them can also cause vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea.

These are a beautiful and dangerous flower and they are very common in spring. But eating any part of the plant can instantly cause discomfort, severe vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, convulsions and abnormal heart rhythm. Scary plant!
Plants are all beautiful and absolutely wonderful to look at in your home. Plants can give your space a relaxing feel and add beauty to a room. But be careful with these 10 to keep your pets healthy And safe!

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